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Transfer function in a sentence

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Sentence count:148Posted:2019-08-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hyperfunctiontransfer feetransfectiontransfer stationlinear functiontransfertransferstransfer to
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91, The modulation transfer function is one of the fundamental parameters to evaluate the infrared optical lens .
92, If the selected voltage transfer function circuit is not sensitive to stray capacitance, then the implemented simulation impedance circuit is also not sensitive to stray capacitance.
93, He is a calculation of the optical transfer function, installation, testing and programming, standardization experts.
94, Based on the formulated transfer function for the structure-LT-MTMD system, the analytical expression for the dynamic magnification factor (DMF) of the structure with a LT-MTMD is derived.
95, After substituting relevant weight function, transfer function array of generalized plane object can be obtained.
96, A closed loop transfer function block diagram in which stator voltage is used as a control variable is designed.
97, In general, the dynamic math model of a thermal process is an approximate transfer function obtained from step response curve which is figured through field experiment.
98, Based on the torsional displacement transfer function of the asymmetric structure with MTMD, the analytical expression is developed for the torsional displacement dynamic magnification factor.
99, Using the wavenumber frequency transfer function to describe the whole system consisting of the plate and the liquid loading, a general expression of the cross spectrum was derived.
100, The mathematics model of parallel system with load current feed forward is deduced, which proves that the equivalent transfer function of parallel system is similar to that of the single
101, The aim of the article is to formulate the voltage transfer function of the ladder network system.
102, We also analyse different interpolating methods , knife edge, gray-draw, height, angle which effect Modulated Transfer Function(MTF).
103, The principle of operation and transfer function for ESV are described.
104, Optimal Transfer function matrix representation is derived. Robust compensator design for optimal transfer function matrix is also considered.
105, However, when the dynamics must be considered, it is usual practice to represent the transfer function of the instrument by first-order or second-order system.
106, Even slight mismatching will cause large errors in the transfer function and degrade the output impedance causing the circuit to become less of a true current source.
107, The MTF (Modulation Transfer Function)-based Wiener filter, which is comparatively fast and effective, in frequency domain is adopted to improve the image quality.
108, The analysis indicates that the inverse spectrum has a noticeable feature to distinguish the influence of the side frequency as well as the transfer function in measuring test system.
109, The hierarchical identification principle is stated, and the hierarchical stochastic gradient (HSG) algorithm for the transfer function matrix (TFM) model for multivariable systems is presented.
110, It also gets the open loop transfer function according the technical parameter asked.
111, Therefore, in the computation of the time response of a seismograph it is better to use the transfer function, from which the time response may be obtained by the inverse Laplace transformation.
112, Based on model impulse transfer function, explicit description of manipulated variable is obtained.
113, In succession deduct correlative transfer function and bode diagram of stress control's linear dynamical system (constant pressure output control system).
114, Finally the transfer function is approximated by use of the transformed orthonormal wavelet series.
115, The inverse transfer function matrix of attitude dynamics is derived from the hybrid coordinates equations, and its normality is analyzed.
116, At first, the equivalent transfer function of the phase discriminator is obtained, then the Z transformation is taken.
117, The transfer function model of this valve is got, and the influence of these compensative restrictors to electro-hydraulic servovalve is analyzed.
118, According to optical transfer function, degree of modulation and apperceive degree of space frequency vision vs object image, TIFF grayscale scenograph is made.
119, Exploiting the new computation method of loop transfer function to get easily loop's close - loop transfer function.
120, Using the equation of broken line to define and substitutes for the signal transfer function, and the inverse function of approximate transfer function is obtained by way of the software method.
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